Tabby'star KIC 8462852 : Kepler Space Telescope is tasked with finding small, rocky worlds orbiting distant stars. However, exoplanets aren’t the only thing Kepler can detect — stellar flares, star spots and dusty planetary rings can also pop up in the mission’s observations.
But there’s also been speculation that Kepler may have the ability to detect more than natural phenomena; if they’re out there, Kepler may also detect the signature of artificial structures orbiting other stars. Imagine an advanced civilization that’s well up on the Kardashev scale and has the ability to harness energy directly from its star. This hypothetical alien civilization may want to construct vast megastructures, like supersized solar arrays in orbit around their host star, that could be so big that they blot out a sizable fraction of starlight as they pass in front. Read Full story:
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- Toyotarou: call me crazy but could it just be a planet with a really irregular orbit of its star that defies our knowledge orbits and gravity? this could explain the drops of light?
- THE MUSIC ENHANCEMENT CHANNEL: Just send the Starship Enterprise out there and have a look!
- uno blanco: za.
- Ammar Rasyad: +Vas Me i dont understand what you said
- Allen Ayler: I gave you a thumbs down for your idiotic thumb image
- Yusuf Al Haddad: What's the soundtrack you used?
- Chaz Fënux: You sure? There are apps that can do voice over like him. Didn't think that would be something Hawking's would cover.
- Sunny Panwar: Those are Solanae Dyson spheres!! Iconians are coming!!!
- Tyler Kearns: +Christopher Akerley way to ramble on. Are you drunk or what?
- jo5567: whats the song name starts at 3:16?
- Ron V: Humanoids are out there on the billions and just in this galaxy alone .
- Sunny Panwar: +Rikers Lust No need to steal their resources.. There are asteroids and un-habitable planets full of very resources we need.. Either way its better to just mingle and share each other's knowledge with aliens..
- TDSnozzle: We are alone retards
- Maxime Foltzer: Is there here someone rather stupid to believe these shitty news ?
- Kama Jiu-jitsu: +Gordon Woodroffe Sorry, I only understand English. =D hehehehhe lol
- notinfoilplease: How about a Saturn-like planet with rings or a shattered planet like the early Earth and Moon?
- loboalamo: Carlos Muñoz Ferrada :)
- Kimmie Lame: I'm reptilian .... When I crack the shits my face shape shifts
- J Jaxx: +Dirtfire its not very difficult to dismiss or confirm the comet theory! Just keep watch the same point, all the time. Be focused on it.
- Peter Irwin: Now they have retracted their statement, that it could be a artificial structure, it figures.
- THE TRUTH ABOUT MARS: NASA has the proof of alien structures...but these are much closer...on the Moon and Mars.
- matty Taylor: They seen to be heading towards some kind of disclosure
- Rodrigo Lucero: disclosure is near. id say in another 20 to 30 years
- Josh K: Exactly, whatbof they have ships thay can contract space in front of them and expand space behind them therfore creating faster than light travel. But you are right for them to see Earth now wouldn't matter during our lifetimes
- TheEEStudent: Oh, get real.. It is only a brown dwarf which was caught in a 750 day orbit. you can see it in the flux chart of the star. I truly hope that someday we will find something so unique.. but this day hasn't arrived, yet.
- rick Woods: Hoax
- Carrot Survivor: +Leon Mckeever that's fucking far as. fuck .. Unimaginably far away. Until we figure out if warping space time is a viable option for travel. No human will ever even get close ... Cuz even at light speed, it would take 1500 years. And light speed is basically impossible to reach
- FringeBingeTV: Thanks again, The Cosmos News, your reporting is fantastic! I edited this comment to add, Dyson Sphere's first appearance was in Olaf Stapledon's "StarMaker." If you love sci-fi, check that book out. Tis a Goodun.
- walid walidos: it's all about, "imagine there is bla bla bla", wondering about the unknown by asking and answering in the same time x))
- Gordon Woodroffe: +Mr. Robot what's grammar
- Rodrigo Lucero: stfu i dobnt care about your opinion fuck off
- Dead Aces: Nice vid, but can't you use a human voice to narrate these? Those computer voice's are really annoying to listen to.
- Joshua Wyatt: What if it just has many planets orbiting it?
- Suave sailor: It is possible that they detected possible debris from a planetary collision/s, two maybe more planets involved, another possibility is that a planet might have torn itself apart due to gravitational forces beyond its limits and merely exploded, and the remnants are blotting out the stars emissions that they are measuring. its quite fancy full to immediately suggest there is a type two civilization that has constructed a mega solar collection array, you have to realize that they are unable to view the star directly to say for certain or even theorize such is ludicrous to say the least.
- a lazy guy: watch out for the covenant.
- PiCraG: We would be living with aliens in 6969. Oops... or maybe 2915. 0.0 Ooo...
- buzzbbird: Alternate theory or explanation? Sure, we see sun spots, hardening areas of star material that then remelt and liquify. Perhaps this star is not so hot and it has permanent continents on it, their shape is fairly stable and irregularly shaped. No alien, Not a planet, and will give the readings they see.
- Meta: +Carrot Survivor One good thing, though, is that if it was a mass of comets that just so happened to be passing in front of the planet at the exact time we were watching it, then taking a second observation should be able to rule out the comet theory. We might be able to confirm artificial structures without actually having to go there.
- Buford Pusser: Great video and dialogue.
- Richard Hopkins: its an awful waste of space if nothing out there
- docmontecristo: +Jason Juice : Well. just go and see for yourself. You are indeed a little sad creep. I have no time to play your immature games. You should get a life.
- Spoon: where are the photos? all i see is cg garbage....its all cg garbage.
- Meta: +Jervon Jaxx I don't know. It took 4 years to take this one observation. Sort of a snapshot. It might take a while to take another. I hear that early next year someone or some scientific organization will be listening to that area to see if any radio signals can be detected from it. I'm thinking the radio emissions would have to be pretty powerful to be detected 1480 light years away, but they might find something. Here's hoping they do.
- Jordan Taylor: +CMDR Dantae I don't but If that is indeed the case GET BETTER VOICE SOFTWARE THE ONE YOU ARE USING IS RUBBISH ! There you go constructive mute friendly feedback, have a nice day !
- InfinitaSalo: They would be Type 2 on the Kardashev scale...
- Austin Vanderheyden: Honestly, you guys really think our technology is advanced that's the joke. You see, when a hunter goes out to find deer they don't run up un camouflaged... no. allright I just don't see why you people this ufos are for crazy people space is so vast out technology could be millenia behind other civilizations
- SpaceOnyx: Well gaaaawww dayum, do we have to go to war with a civilization that is over 1000 years ahead of us?
- Kim Jong Fun: They are not beings, they are us.A civilization that's evolved past the four dimensions that we know.
- irishbreakfast: the infantile race of humans learning to see for the first time, not understanding what they are looking at yet. not knowing what things exist or occur beyond this atmosphere. its fun to be here in this stage of human understanding when everything is new and there is so many... shocking things to het discover! as we just now are learning to see beyond our own noses.
- loboalamo: It's simple the farther away something is the longer it takes to get here unless it changes velocity. So what is it? Maybe not all masses circling stars are perfectly spherical, and maybe those things come into view the closer they get, and the closer they get to other celestial bodies the stronger the magnetic conections so it picks up in speed and velocity, like good friends that spot each other in the distance and quickly gather together. Just a simple thought.
- mwillblade: Aliens will come to earth an enslave us to work their cobalt mines .
- MosheMYY M: +CMDR Dantae Has anyone ever see a planet form? Why do you believe against logic that the fine tuning parameters of the universe came about through some fluke or accident? If we can only see light that's supposedly 13 billion light years away, why do we conclude that there's nothing else beyond that? I believe the fine tuning parameters of the universe were designed by a SUPER INTELLIGENCE (that's the only way I can express it in comparison to our own brilliant intelligent minds) as we all know, fine tuning is a thing only of intelligence. The scale of this fine tuning is truly beyond expression. Therefore, I conclude that any light I see from the darkness of space was made for me to see it from where I am.
- SavageRabbit: It is getting pretty obvious, maybe. i just feel like our leaders would request 100 years, time to prepare the masses. and since unofficial contact happened shortly after Roswell sometime in the early 50s is why i say 2050
- Mike Brandt: Perhaps substantial findings, but using the same delivery as "aliens landed in me feckin backyard" = shaaatupppp!
- Bob Noturbusiness: This is all baseless, and currently unprovable. The researcher that noticed the star occultation speculated that there could be many reasons for the unusual observation, then as an after thought off hand comment her paper went on to say it could even be portions of a dyson's sphere. Now every UFO nut in the world is claiming that Kepler spotted an advanced alien civilization when in fact all it did was spot something unusual and as yet unexplained. Could it be an advanced alien civilization? Doubtful and Kepler is the wrong platform to tell us for certain what it is. Perhaps we'll get a better idea when the James Webb telescope goes up, but again, that's not really the right type of scope either. What we do know is two facts: 1) There is a star with something unusual going on around it. 2) The morons behind The Cosmos News are idiots that fervently want UFOs to come to our neck of the woods and are willing to bend facts to support their skewed viewpoint.
- Christopher Akerley: +Steven R. aliens too would be one, wasting their time building somethingso huge in space, and two, so advanced it would be not worthwhile looking into. three, no reason to build a huge structure in space, unless they are really into bone degeneration. although. you may be correct, Aliens that advanced may have figured out the riddle the creator made for them. unlike lots of ppl on earth. so your right. congrats.
- seventhsinn: to think humans are the only ones in this universe is to know you have a really big ego,stardust and energy is all we are.
- StarSeed: We have millions of UFO sightings a year. You don't need to look outside the galaxy....
- Hecydec: where is god ii don't wont to die to see god
- pineapplepenumbra: +ProjectsBlack A brown dwarf would have an observable gravitational effect on the star, there is no such wobble, so that can be ruled out.
- So QUUAARR SO SJW: disliked for the stupid robot voice.
- daasboot81: "Gotta make that money for the rent" :)
- iggy082: keep in mind that it was cosmologists themselves who came up with the idea of the alien megastructure, we just ran with it. but do we expect nasa to tell us the truth? maybe the lights on ceres were not of natural origin, would they tell us? governments are in the business of preserving and fostering stability. would revealing to the public the existence of an alien built structure preserve or foster the stability of a society that seems to veer into chaos with alarming alacrity? a society that seems to seek silly excuses to go ape shit would have a field day with that one. imagine the confusion. it would also literally mean that the von danikan's and the vallee's of the world were right. revealing the truth would open a can of worms so big that the world would never be the same. so no, folks. the lights on ceres will be explained away as a reflection of salt and the alien megastructure as huge asteroids. how are we going to prove them wrong? as proof of my contentions nasa recently explained away a strange light caught on the horizon by the mars rover's camera by saying that it was a "cosmic ray." a cosmic fucking ray!! they might as well have said that it was venus' light reflecting off of swamp gas during st elmo's storm.
- Burntburgers: We're not alone
- Call out to god: *sees video title* ....*grabs tanks and nukes 😢*
- Eserhaudin: Its deep space 9 duh!
- pineapplepenumbra: +Steven R. Intelligent Life isn't the go to hypothesis for most scientists, it's the last hypothesis when nothing else matches up. I'm sure that, when a better telescope is launched and trained on this star, a natural explanation will be found for the unusual light signatures, but it's a large Universe out there and the chemicals that make up life exist in abundance, so it's just a matter of time before we find something.
- Gyva02: +CMDR Dantae Mountains of evidence, watch a doc called "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon" to start with...
- Tom Sandström: Has Kepler Discovered an Alien Megastructure Orbiting a Distant Star? The answer is no.
- NewWhirledOrder: That's all CGI. Even the voice narrating it isn't real.
- Moe I: This thing is 1400 lightyears away... so what were seeing now happened 1400 years ago... wonder what it looks like now.
- Fat Al: Or it's a planet with several huge moons. Maybe even a twin planet. Would be a pretty logical explenation.
- Tyler Kearns: seti is going to try and bounce radio waves off it in January. no lie. if it's alien structures were about to expose ourselves. if this happened naturally it's just as unlikely to have happened at the exact time we were able to detect it (which is what happened if it's natural) so who knows!
- Komb_: Thanks religion!
- Jim Bklyn: I can not comprehend such vastness of deep space for that alone one must question.
- Carrot Survivor: They are getting us ready ... They said there will find life in the next 20 years or something ,,,,,, they are not idiots
- pineapplepenumbra: +dontbescared_xoxoo This star is only about 1500 light years away, so if they had good enough telescopes, they would have seen the end of the Roman empire last century.
- Jhon Underwood: +Mrcheekymonkey1996 Not on "planet x." I don't know if they are still here. I know our DNA was altered and we were and are still enslaved.
- Emmy Yildirim: +Bangswitch187 It was dangerous to go alone!
- Jordan Taylor: +Mike Shearman I think Family Guy, American dad, The Simpsons, South Park already did enough of that for everyone, So No probably not
- F.A.B MARK: sounds like my bloody sat-nav!
- J.P. Wiser: This is all fucking Trump's fault. I swear to god I am moving to Canada! Oh wait.... I already live here.
- Gordon Anderson: Great graphics - good info - yet could you or anyone show a graph of the actual dips? I would like to know if they are regular enough in size and duration to be made be a structure - or perhaps this star is having large sun-spot of magnetic storm disturbances among other possiblities. A theory is it could have a band built around ti to collect lots of solar power - perhaps to power a star gate, since no planet would really need more power than its sun gives it; yet this is so far out we need much more info on the exact size of light dips and regularity to even speculate.
- Suplex City 315: She sounds hot.
- Josh K: +AltAirPilot517 That depends on if they are actually looking for civilizations or just planets to colonize
- genericwhitemale: +David Tyra :(
- Wesley Mott: But don't light from a star take thousands to billions of years to get to earth depending on where the start is/was so these structures if thats what there are will be space dust now ? Just my thoughts
- Vas Me: +The SpyCrap do u own research and dont take like facts what u learn in school and nasa told u.
- Dan Howard: Would be better without the stupid music and computer voice but...
- David Levesque: Seems possible to me as there's an asteroid belt beyond Pluto and other folks could be looking at us, that it could be simply clumps of asteroids at an appropriate distance that it gives the effect it does. I don't know why that is ruled out but apparently your all saying yes that is or yes maybe so that is ruled out. We don't know yet what the reflection on Ceres is yet and that hints at civilization too. I vote its a bunch of floating pizza boxes covered with solidified cola shields ( lockable too) and leave it at that for now. Pepperoni or pineapple bleucheese tonight?
- shin lee: +docmontecristo mad?
- 1pooltub: Ancillary to the big Blue Beam coming False Flag? Ya think?
- Bone Doc: Was thinking this could be a sizable brown dwarf twin blocking this much light. They've admitted trying to see a brown dwarf twin of our star iwould be very difficult to find. Now try and find one way the heck out there. Unless its a relative constant dimming of light, in which case I'd suspect first a low output star for its size and the first time they've witnessed this anomaly. Maybe its a massive asteroid belt perhaps from planetary collision. Some sensible ideas to ponder before leaping to alien mega system structures, but hey its fun to think about. If it were true, then you can bet they've had thier eye on us for quite some time.
- Roger Kreil: I want to go there! :D
- DashingNative: The Reapers are here!
- Jim Jones: Not a structure, but rather space junk just like we have but worse. There is good chance of intelligent life there
- Alfred Byrd: oh I understand the vastness of the universe but don't believe in fricking aliens
- MARK BLUNDELL: who is the female Hawkins
- Terrance Collins: If it's that far away then that means whatever we're viewing happened 1400 years ago...........
- Camden Cook: Maybe it's a Halo ring.
- Lillian Ballard: when you make fun of something, it means you are scared. Finally I have lived long enough for scientist to discover something we have all known.
- Submersed24: I just think its neat af how they know this stuff. I looked at the picture that they were inferring to, and it was a single pixel.
- Yusuf Al Haddad: +docmontecristo Thank you very much kind Sir...this is it!
- Raymond gonzalez: Somethings telling us to explore.
- CMDR Dantae: +MosheMYY M We have seen planets form, not the planet itself, but there is a young star with lots of matter orbiting it, that is forming planets. These things take a long time. We can observe this matter, by infrared light due to heat, and it blocking light from the main star. There is stuff beyond that 13 Billion years. Unfortunately, after a certain distance beyond that, the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light, and we will never get there until we have faster than light travel. A omniscient being would have no reason to have light travel that far, what purpose would it serve, when the speed of light cannot change. If the speed of light changes, this affects other things that involve electrons. For example, the level of pressure and heat that makes hydrogen particles fuse, creating stars, would be different in a drastically deadly way. The laws of physics can't just change. Why would an intelligent being create such a simple universe, so small and young, instead of forming it over billions of years? What's more, where did this being come from. Intelligence can't form by itself, its needs a predecessor, sentience is a byproduct of a need to survival. When nothing existed, how does an intelligence come by? How would it create something out of nothing? The Earth has tectonic plates. This is because the core and mantle are molten and the core can have temperatures of 200 degrees celsius. Gravity causes objects larger than about a 1000 kilometres across, to fall into a sphere. Combine this with the relative size of solar systems, and how fast objects like Jupiter orbit the sun, and other factors, this is a lengthy process. Not counting the millions of years it takes everything to cool down. You're still forgetting something. Almost all of the universe was originally hydrogen. Stars produce other elements with fusion and supernovae. A star existed before our one, bigger and likely lasted shorter, but they may have been one more before it. Either way, that's another large amount of time.
- beautifulmicia: kevin bauer It is not conceit that considers the ultimate truths. The verdict is not in yet in and it more than likely is a group of disintegrated comets orbiting that sun, debris from inside its asteroid belt, or even debris from a planetary collision. Aliens are part of the norm in all universes, they are not just excuses or uneducated guesses for that which has not been discovered or proven yet.
- Noah Page: Most likely it is an obstruction from comets around the star. Watch what they say about it on Dnews. There is absolutely no way for us to tell if it has anything to do with aliens. We just can't rule that out with 100% certainty. It's more like 95% certainty.
- Robert James: cant believe they used a borg cube in this vid
- jacque Leen: off putting robotic voice. instinct says not to trust.
- Karel Vreeburg: ♫☺ Much more simple explanation, we are looking at a star surrounded with an huge asteroid belt like our own in our solar system. a huge asteroid belt would block the light like mentioned in those fantasy theories. ☺♪ Sorry nothing new
- Corey Jones: By the way, in the end of the video it says that it blocks 20% of light from the sun. A planet as big as jupiter, which scientists says is just about as big as a planet will get, only blocks 1% of the suns light. Apparently this object is about 1/2 the width of the sun its revolving around. Crazy, huh?
- Volebien: this is so long ago, they might not exist today.
- kevin bauer: Thank-you for the upload Cosmos , for man to think that he is alone in this Universe is a pretty conceited thought. Peace Y
- Sekhubara: +Blowfeld20k +rmsolympic20 There is an artist already out there like that. Check out Deltron on his "3030" album.
- Alfred Byrd: shut up no one cares what you think
- CMDR Dantae: +pineapplepenumbra Construction must nearly be complete then.
- Odyssey314: Asteroids orbiting a star. Solved.
- Heru- deshet: Damn! No matter where I park this, someone always seems to find it! I better call Doctor Who.
- El Webbo: +Gyva02 no, remember? the frequency at which the light is blocked is inconsistent, meaning sometimes it will block the star for a few days, sometimes for 80 days, it changes... velocity... obviously you have to assume they are not making it up, but they don't have a reason for it... if they are not, we could say the object adjusts speed in order to be in front of an energy surge coming from the sun, if thet can predict solar flares they can speed it or slow this thing down in order to get the most enrgy out of it... it's a possibility
- sparky9c22: NASA coming out with more hints at extraterrestrial existence before the explicit bombshell is released.
- frankie occo: It's the Borg lol
- Jordan Taylor: Stop using Shit bot voice....... Just saying you've got a voice of your own just use it !!!!!!!
- Halo Sudsy: Google up why it is not an asteroid belt and has pretty much been ruled out..
- Jit San: what if the object in front of the star is not moving in elliptical orbit but in a orbit where it comes close to the star and then it moves away..means it is moving towards the star or dipping into the star itself...
- Steve O'Hare: I thought it would be interesting to read the comments on this but it seems a Narcissist Troll ruined it totally and turned it into a My dad is bigger than your dad school yard shit show ,, Great Job newdefsys
- Jhon Underwood: +Frank Giano If you wish to conduct a debate it isn't done from anger, disrespect and foul words. It does nothing to fuel the intellect. I don't agree with the bible either. But this isn't the way to handle the situation. You will only cause anger instead of helping anyone to see the universe around them.
- CMDR Dantae: +John Castiel Who believes the earth is flat?
- Timothy Benson: NASA's Chief Scientist did Predict. Signs of Alien Life Will Be Found by 2025. So they're just following suit. #TheWarmUp
- realbizz1000: no debris melon head
- Frank Giano: +Mrcheekymonkey1996 Which truth? if there is one sinner in this entire universe, this sinner is your God and his little faggot son called Jesus. Let me tell you something you stupid fuck, your God is a sadistic fucker, he created satan and all evil. God disrespect himself making false promises and then blame and responsabilize us. Have you ever heard the voice of this dog called God? have you? So your God just created life here on earth to make people believe that there is other lives outside and then throw the one who believe this in hell (place that he also created)? You see how your god is pathetic. I spit on the face of this jew dog you worthless slut.
- Black n Tan: No.
- Dillinger R.: +Christopher Akerley how do you know!!! just STFU
- Branin: Exactly. I want to know how far away this structure is from the star. If scientists can measure it involving planets, then they should be able to measure distance with this structu
- Bob: Maybe it's a weather balloon.
- Swati Deshmukh: Ju
- llicaldo: Ok
- cardog kitchen: First water in Mars, now this?
- Nuiun 04: +CMDR Dantae brainless idiots
- AustralianLeprechaun: Who knows whats out there?? I'm sure whatever it is its not boring!!
- MosheMYY M: From *The Atlantic* "The light pattern suggests there is a big mess of matter circling the star, in tight formation. That would be expected if the star were young. When our solar system first formed, four and a half billion years ago, a messy disk of dust and debris surrounded the sun, before gravity organized it into planets, and rings of rock and ice. But this unusual star isn’t young. If it were young, it would be surrounded by dust that would give off extra infrared light. There doesn’t seem to be an excess of infrared light around this star." http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2015/10/the-most-interesting-star-in-our-galaxy/410023/ Really? Really? I mean, really? That's right, the star cannot be young because that would be destructive to all that evolutionary scientists and old earth creationists believe about the age of the universe. The problem is, this isn't the only structure in space that flies against the big bang theory and the age of the universe. http://kgov.com/evidence-against-the-big-bang http://lawrencevilleplasmaphysics.com/cosmic-connection/plasma-cosmology/the-growing-case-against-the-big-bang/
- SavageRabbit: +Rodrigo Lucero no it will sometime around 2050, 100 years after unofficial first contact. the world leaders have until then to prepare us, since it is less than 40 years away they are stepping up 'discoveries'
- joe danns: It could be Aliens although unlikely, it probably is a naturally occurring object. it could be nothing more then part of the star's energy makeup and output or it could be a construct created by God, for example - God creates the universe(s) over billions of years (our time), complete with the organic makeup and potential of future life and leaves universal knowledge constructs throughout the universe for those able to survive and reach them, namely Humanity. all the while God is everywhere and in everything, working to push us to that goal through various acts.
- J Jaxx: How far away is this star ? How many light years away is, where is located!?
- Arnaud Manuel: Thank you.
- Pick up artist-RS: I'm not the slight bit surprised.
- jo5567: whats the song name starts at 3:16?
- Vas Me: lol again same stuff computer made video.earth its flat and whit dome over it .thats why u will never see real images of those supose stars.when u see them whit telescope they are electrical.
- Anthony Leroy: morbid image s
- Gene Kinnick: Yeah, well, ....let the researchers claiming this prove it. May be nothing more than a speck of space dust on the mirror for all we know.
- Sigh Westberry: the big question is who or what is creating the huge display we see across most of the sky and that is commonly mistaken to be the ...universe
- Christopher Akerley: +Dino Di Lucido cuz its a planet??? usually spheres are planet, but I get what your saying.
- Tony Hind: So NASA how long till you tell us there is to be a fake alien attack. This is all bullshit.
- Jesse M: don't let Nasa fool you they just want your money
- gobanito: Its the Death Star getting ready to blow up Alderaan.
- CMDR Dantae: +MosheMYY M How do you explain light from galaxies 13 billion light years away? In fact, considering the protostars in the galaxy, considering time, its impossible for a planet to form in thousands of years.
- Sunny Panwar: +KevinJustDoesnt Yep their is no point of war with them.. War is between people that have equal chance of winning..
- barbagiggia: +Carrot Survivor Yes they are idiots other than liars, they think that we are all sheeps and we didnt understood that they found and seen aliens spacecrafts and structures on the moon from decades. NASA is simply a bunch of fking miserables....
- tom spud: Short answer........NO!
- genericwhitemale: Them computer voices are getting better. Why's it always women tho?
- Christopher Akerley: there isn't anything around that large that is manmade. all the cities of earth combined would not have that much mass
- Kama Jiu-jitsu: +Gordon Woodroffe Oh, I forgot they don't teach that in Special Ed. Sorry.
- El Webbo: +David Tyra i read the description, and the link i can't find the sentence in which it says who exactly released it? because it talks about the reaction of cosmologists from yale after looking at the data, but it was found by kepler.... owned by NASA...
- Lord Humungus: "That's no moon, its a space station" - Obi Wan Kenobi
- C 2: It's just a way station.
- pineapplepenumbra: +rmsolympic1 They must have been in one massive water bed for the waves to have made it here!
- Alan Baker: Amazing video I have always believed that there aliens out there somewhere
- Christopher Akerley: +Tyler Kearns fi doubt you could see them
- RumikoOne: 1,500 ly for this star. So that's a pretty short time period as far as the star is concerned. Who knows if the aliens would exist still.
- Senpai Sempai: So the Death Star is in bound? good thing i just bought Tickets for a galaxy wide tour in a Star Destroy this sunday
- fdgdfafassff: +Rahul Kumar its too far away , 1480 light yeays too far away to be eaxact which is 1.4734222e+23 years away which is too far to reach even if we were to go at the speed of light except if we somehow harnessed the power of dark matter but thats just a theory
- rmsolympic1: Yes, and they were definitely cat-fighting about something.
- rmsolympic1: +pineapplepenumbra Yes, once we get our interstellar wheels, I think we'll find a billion gazillion cosmic hoes strolling infinite interglactic traps. 2 hoes was scrapping recently - made waves in the news.
- NBcouplescounselling: TDSnozzle and u know this how ?
- RumikoOne: +AltAirPilot517 especially considering that they are observing Earth when there were only cave people
- Charles' bookshelf: It is not a super large alien construct. If it were something artificial large enough to cause the observed dips in brightness it would be giving off huge amounts of heat that could be observed in the inferred. None of that has been detected.
- Manny Mathews: wow,wow very nice, it look to me like another very good film by NASA , or a little town in the State of Alabama
- Its Asham: "Has Kepler Discovered an Alien Mega-structure Orbiting a Strange Star?" No but you discovered some pretty good Mushrooms.
- Mido Alaaeldin: if it's not absolutely round it could be a giant asteroid...........asteriods could take any shape other than round
- PartOfYou: Looks like magic mushrooms! Anyway, aliens is new world religion, including ALL other NASA activity and fairytale.
- jorgedefoe1: more subtle conditioning for project blue beam
- Toyotarou: "we've never found anything that can't be explained by the laws of physics that govern our own solar system" seems legit lol
- Video Gaming: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🖓🖓🖓🖓🖓🖓👎👎👎👎👎👎🖓👎🖓👎👎🖓🖓🖓👎🖕🖕🖕✌
- Darth Pontiff: Kepler isn't seeing things!!!
- Steve O'Hare: Seriously ! I like a bit of education for the brain but that narrator's voice with the pitch continuously going up and down is terribly annoying and there is no need for it ,, I highly doubt that the CIA or FBI is very interested ,, so get a grip and be normal ,, Sheeeesh
- Jhon Underwood: +Mike Shearman Hopefully our science and technology continue to move forward. Making each successive scope seem a kids magnifying glass.
- Swati Deshmukh: Desertion be. V bob
- Josh Traffanstedt: I hope you're right
- Michael Michael: So this might be were those little grey mothers with a probing fetish come from.
- Luis Garcia: HAHAHA typical jesus guy!
- Mrcheekymonkey1996: :(
- Sara Valestine: +playingdablues It's okay to be afraid but the data speaks for itself.
- mr lordsaif: sadly we will never become like them,humans are just trying to find new ways to blow themselves up.
- genericwhitemale: +Gyva02 why would they lie about this?
- pineapplepenumbra: +magzire There might be billions of cosmic hoes. We won't know until we can travel around the galaxy.
- Marcos Soares: Mr. Data! Could this be a Dyson Sphere?
- Christopher Akerley: well, less light at sucha high rate is a mystery. and being inquisitive is also a mystery, even though the inquisitive talk sounds absurd, to some it does not
- Xeno Phon: I assure you if aliens did exist they would want nothing with a backwards bunch of violent monkeys like us.
- WormholeJim: Robo-voice identifies sensationalistic humdrum. Star Trek, someone says down below. I think I'll go look at that instead - better story, better cast, better script.
- rmsolympic1: it's hard out there for a pimp.
- J Jaxx: +Dirtfire Yes, but they dont be focused on it, that was coincidence, or lucky....now they can focus..all tenconlogy we have on this point. But i think of they even find something else. They gona hidding it. And i also thik, if we see him, they seeing us, much early! With their much more advanced tecnlogy!
- Christopher Akerley: +Dino Di Lucido yeah, htat is wh;y I said I get it. and of course it is a joke the nasa folks who said it are immature ridiculous children. that is the real joke. should be fired, but hey, I think nasa is still quasi govt so why go thourgh the paperwork of eliminating so much fat, when it is evreyehwer
- ODDBALL SOK: A sun spot reduces the emittance of rays substantially, on the spot. So, wouldn't it be a smarter option to think of huge anomalies on the sun's surface, instead of anomalies orbiting in the near space around this sun ? After all, we only know ONE sun from close up...that doesn't mean all (functionings of) suns are equal. And we don't even know how sun spots are created on our sun...
- fmoa: millions of alien slaves probly built that thing..best to keep avoiding them, if they find out we here, they probly heading this way to collect more slaves to built another megastructure.
- Ammar Rasyad: +Vas Me so you're saying school's facts are shit? hah, why would i learn there if its false....
- RumikoOne: Could it possibly be debris or other large bodies such as asteroids with irregular shapes that are passing in front of view much closer to us, making it seem that they are enormous structures? Also, if it were an alien civilization, we are seeing them as they were about 1,500 years ago. Who knows what they might be up to now.
- R T: i just hope we won't be stupid and send a transmission to that area, like walking blind in a unknown jungle or something.
- Murray Suters: Where are they going to get the mass of something larger than their planet.
- Trueantitheist btw fuck islam the most: +Rikers Lust And get our asses handed to us by a civilization thousands of years ahead of us no thanks.
- jedaaa: +ÉVARISTE APOLLINAIRE i don't think you've understood what he's told you. BearCol is absolutely correct!
- Jesse M: Kepler dosnt exist just like the Galileo satellite dosnt exist
- Alfred Byrd: we are alone the is no such thing as stupid aliens and there never will be
- AB BROWN 5: This is a distraction by the government to draw away attention from the real issues and dangers on Earth!
- Christopher Akerley: +Kim Jong Fun that is astute. but here is a teaser yes. find evidence. as in the search that is ensuing at this moment in the catacombs of manhattans Columbia, ufl gainsville catacombs and Chicago natural history catacombs. this search is real. based on evidence that is irrefutable according to some genetecists, so what ddi the find?? also, on Marion island. so if your ready to drop your high tops off and do as the yanks do and try ot grab it by the horns head out to the isle........otherwise you can count subs all day long, well, it takes a few minutes.
- Scott T: This is just more data confirming that there r plenty of aliens from "beyond the moon" out there.
- pineapplepenumbra: +Mike Shearman You believe in stars? I keel you!!!
- Kelly Wilson-Lawson: Think about it the government doesn't want us to know this stuff so if your going to tell the world the truth "they" don't want people to know they could track you if you use your real voice
- Mike Shearman: What's incredible is that the light curve sometimes last for eighty days at irregular intervals along with other irregular light curves. Could it be caused by highly eccentric shifting orbits of the star's planets? It would be cool if it was discovered to be artificial however. In any event, if it was discovered to be an alien mega structure NASA would no doubt keep us in the dark.
- Lord Razoun: Humanity's destiny is out there in space. We need to get our act together and focus on our space ventures.
- pineapplepenumbra: +dontbescared_xoxoo Grey aliens come from planets orbiting red dwarf stars. As they are used to having less light, they wear integral sunglasses while visiting Earth in order to cope with our dazzling Sun, which we mistake for large, dark eyes. (I'm making this up, btw, but it's as valid a hypothesis, if they exist, as any other).
- Dillinger R.: +Christopher Akerley right it wouldn't be "man made" it would made by beings that are millions of years ahead of us.
- john smith: Could be a black hole in the process of consuming a large star that was very close to it when the black hole originally formed. .. and the speed of its rotation would be immense. .. creating an irregular appearance.
- UltimatiGlobal ViD: why nasa and crew not try to comuncation with alien? its chance we to comuncation with aliens another planet
- Ammar Rasyad: +Vas Me did u ever did an experiment to show earth is flat? explain me why moon's light sometimes at the "bottom side" of the moon, explain what is super moon and a micro moon. and how sun rises and sets like earth rotates, if the earth is flat, then the sun just pass like a meteor
- David Henri: Finally....and of all places it was Kepler that found my Pinto.
- Jimmy Biggs: Advanced technology can make anything float so yes chances are there are millions of floating mega sized cities in our universe!
- Yevgeniy B: Whatever happened to that guy who talked really fast? Did he get fired for talking too fast?
- Kama Jiu-jitsu: +Gordon Woodroffe what's English lol
- Alfred Byrd: first of all there is no such thing as aliens and 2nd the earth is flat
- Sei Be: CG綺麗ですね。こんなニュース見れる時代に、何時なるのかな?
- Fugazi MACCA: +Michael Michael No those are Crowley's secret chiefs,or demons.
- Kim Jong Fun: +Tyler Kearns But star is quite far from us, it would take several years for radio waves to reach.
- rmsolympic1: it's hard out there for a pimp.
- Rick James: i work with transients everyday it's called bass and drum punch :p
- Christopher Akerley: duh
- Robin: Yes we are, but not for long though
- Kenneth Clark: JUNK VIDEO AGAIN
- pineapplepenumbra: +ÉVARISTE APOLLINAIRE The laws of physics are the same across the observable Universe.
- Luis Hernandez: We are not alone. If you look at the vastness of this universe and the amount of what we don't know.... numbers never lie
- scott hood: Why the horrible voice !!!!!!!!!
- Charlie Chilla: Probably a moon
- Captain Pervtron: +Ahmet R YILDIRIM TAKE THIS
- Delynn Shahan: Question )
- Curiosity: Interesting and Star Trek material... I have no doubt ET exists with space stations myself but even we need better tech or beyond to see or prove anything like this. I know this idea exists but we cannot see it now. We are although getting there day by day, that is excellent... Be nice if our planet could get there in peace. We have allot to work on here!
- Mrcheekymonkey1996: aliens are demons sir
- Thailand Amulets: Think about the economy and how many employees they have to track small fry like you and me. I am currently in extreme argument and attacking two governments on the Internet openly with my full identity and publishing recordings breaking their official secrets acts, nobody has bothered me yet. You think too much
- Truth Report: these darkness spots across the star could just mean that the huge alien structure is resting in our own space.. whick keeps covering the light regularly
- CMDR Dantae: +Frank Giano *SHOTS FIRED!*
- Cowardly Lion: I'm proud to announce that that thing is my mom.
- Zil: i think we are ready to know truth!!
- Vas Me: +The SpyCrap all learn in school ita not fake.but space it is.well i buy a nikon p900 it cost me aome cash but very good zoom.and stars dosent look at all how thry told us.i see a complet nice city on a clear day at 100 kms away.i test moon light .in full moon and its colder the light then it is shadow.now i ask my sis to do the calculation of a sphere of 40.000kms diameter to see the curvature for each km .shes a enginere.i read about old astronomos .in time of capernicus allmoust noone was agree whit him .but they keep that one and after that newton,and all thqt come they did all calculations takeing capernicus sistem.more in his time capernicus could not prove that was a ball .was only a asumption.if u search for truth try to prove for u self .lets see if u find curvature.ore make water to stick to a ball ore to bend it.
- docmontecristo: +Yusuf Al Haddad :The track is called Absolute Oblivion and the artists are Techno Psyche.
- Paul Andrus: misleading title thumbs down
- Mike Shearman: I actually agree with this. Could you imagine Galileo saying to the Inquisition, "hey dudes, guess what!? I just discovered metal lookin thingys orbiting around the moon!" He would have been drawn and quartered. But then again, he did serve house arrest for the rest of his life the mere mention that Earth orbits around the Sun. When ya think about it not much has changed for some people.
- Chaz Fënux: This is copied and pasted straight from the article I just read. Disappointing.
- MegaJdizzle27: If it is a megastructure, just imagine what it could look like. I could think about that forever, its so facinating.
- Christopher Akerley: it would be amazing. a bit more amazing than one would believe having no evidence of alien life on earth, or near it, or even close to it, as a structure that large would imply very advanced technology to build it. what I'm saying is that new York city took hundreds of years to build and the sky scrapers each a year, and they took about 80 years. so, the structure that is 20% the size of a sun would be many times larger than earth, and earths structures took centuries to build and are but a drop in the bucket compared to a structure the size of earth. even to build solar arrays that large would take earthjlings every man woman and child for about a billion years of labor, and rockets would choke out the atmosphere. just opinion htough, I mean, I could be wrong and the invasion fleet could be there.
- David Evans: Hope they're friendly kind of like the shadow a rabbit sees just before an eagle snatches them. :)
- corsoelectric: It is just a matter of time! Perhaps soon.
- daasboot81: Ancient alien theorist speculate yes! Haha
- Fugazi MACCA: They are beginning to push this alien agenda hard.
- Euphemystic: Some people urge to believe that ghosts and aliens (etc) are the first things they observe when they see something that they can not identify. Human/animal nature is to investigate, and apparently to assume. Other people choose to believe it is non paranormal and have natural phenomena explainations because, they need proof. Claiming that all senarios have been accounted for, from any perspective is incorrect. The term alien would mean that it does not belong to that star, no? Extraterrestrial means unearthly lifeforms and if they visit us, they are aliens. Mis-information comes in many forms. If this is extraterrestrial then 'they' could possibly see Earth, but not our radio signals yet; unless they have been close enough to us or, we have been transmitting for longer or differently than mainstream is aware of...dunno. So, could it be possible, that if we have the technology(?) to observe more advanced lifeforms before they observe us, they would have been transmitting for much longer? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe there are more "what if's" than we could invent. Another star that drags material to KIC 8462852 to create a highly curious transit signal- sounds like better research than "aliens" to me, and many others, but we shouldn't make an ass-u-me.
- Mike Corleone: SMH...desperation hits astronomy
- Frank: yeah super amazing. all Im saying is, it is entirely irrelevant since its way too far away. If it were in our neck of the woods, Proxima Centauri or Barnards Star, it would be a whole different story. But what a completely useless discovery at that distance.. Also chances are there is a total unspectacular explanation to this
- Zak smith: +ÉVARISTE APOLLINAIRE That doesn't explain a 20-25% decrease in brightness of the star like stated.
- Mike Shearman: With that said, I'm hoping the James Webb Telescope will be a success. It will make Hubble look like a kids magnifying glass. (No offense Hubble).
- Mike Shearman: I dunno. Perhaps they don't speak English, perhaps they are mute. Who cares. It was a fascinating vid regardless. Stephen Hawking uses a computer voice as well.
- Kurt Coleman: I think we'd be very valuable to alien observers. Our human story, our information, might be one of the most valuable things in the cosmos. That value is extended as long as they remain unknown to us.
- Leon Welcome: its coming. we know its coming. juuuuust prepping us.
- Sykout: Discovered an alien megastructure? You mean, found a few random changes in light.
- Gordon Woodroffe: may just be a planet with a lot of odd shaped moons like Pluto but bigger lol
- Dino Di Lucido: I heard they found a Dyson Sphere Ringworld thingy of immense size & age. They're not telling anyone & I think I know why.
- Thailand Amulets: why do people ruin any video by using computer text to voice. sounds like a cross between a noob and a boob and im outta here at 1:43 cant listen to that voice
- Caio Caldas: We are much more closer to find alien life.
- Rahul Kumar: please tell if KIC 8462852 has a planet in Goldy Lock Zone? and also tell us how many planets it has in total because if a civilization will make a Dyson's sphere then it has to destroy some of their planets so i will have less planets and that advanced civilization will emerge from their home planet that must be in a Goldy Lock Zone.
- Elijah Whaley: There is a scientist at NASA that secretly feels so bad about not giving Kepler's sensors one last good wipe down...
- Mac Tube: Asteriod lil
- D Craigslist: Medoner knows a lot about space.
- James Kilts: What if....???
- Tyler Vo: Awesome. Maybe a dyson sphere.
- MisterFuturtastic: What did the maker of this vid use to convert text to voice?
- Sam Faeh: then where the hell is the graph that they received?
- shin lee: +Yusuf Al Haddad lol It's bullshit he is trolling u, dumbass
- Robert Whitley: The answer is no.There's a few minutes saved.You're welcome.
- Fat Al: +Pick up artist-RS Good. Now pick up some sluts and penetrate them until they cry in shame.
- loose taco: 28341.3333.01.33
- Darren Wilson ,paranormal ,mars,moon & beyond.: wow thats cool,may be just may be a alian object orbiting that star.who nows it just could be.
- Christopher Akerley: Continued arguing a ridiculous point?? Haha you should be trillionaires Forbes posters, instead your shrinking billionaires, any estimator in training cN do the math, u ahhh getting consumed?
- Michael H: Saiyans
- Sylvain MF: I have 2 theories either it's a rock or it's an alien showing his black hole.
- FreeSky 542: +Rodrigo Lucero Id say 5 years...
- luke waite: it's cybertron
- RumikoOne: +Joshua Krystek i have no doubt that they have mastered warp travel. If i recall, the power to do something like open a wormhole and keep it open requires the energy of the sun. It looks like this civilization has mastered that. But it would probably be unlikely that they would detect evidence of humans, since we have no megastructures to hint of us. So i think we might be safe.
- sk8 Decks: If we are here then whos to say they arent out there? New discoveries everyday! Peace and love to all!
- pineapplepenumbra: +TruXByakuya Furthermore, analysis of previous observations show that the dimming has been increasing over a far longer period than the 4 years Kepler has been observing the star.
- Eserhaudin: maybe its an astroid belt around a star or a broken planet.
- Dillinger R.: From the canals and face on Mars to the bright spots on Ceres and now this . . . I, like most folks, would *LOVE* for us to find evidence of intelligent life "out there". But, we have just got to stop making that our go to hypothesis. Otherwise, the entire scientific community is going to look like that goofy-haired mofo on the History Channel who explains everything with "Aliens!".
- Accidental Lyrics: Kepler may also have the ability to make eggs benidict. It may be able to peer into people's bedrooms at night, and many other saucy things.
- chipchipersonmdphd: +Fat Al FAWK YEA
- Bill Stamford: Highly speculative fantasy posing as fact. There seems no way of holding the Nerds back from postulating nonsense.
- mastertheillusion: We, are not alone. #aliens
- Paul Ojewale: intelligent
- CanadianUchiwaHD: Space ship fuel can't melt alien beams
- Christopher Akerley: saying Kepler data is inconsistent or irrelevant by making up an alien story is balderdash or bunk. bunk don't work on usa citizens, nor do they want old ass terrorists from all over earth running their programs any longer. parking me next to pendalton was such a blessing.
- purcedure: @All - What about irregular/vertical planet orbits, how well does the Kepler telescope handle that. *It does show a straight dip down*
- RumikoOne: +AltAirPilot517 (assuming they can travel as fast as light)
- reffoelcnu alouncelal: Hate this women's voice very irritating.id rather hear a real voice reading badly
- RumikoOne: Our first radio transmissions in human history still will not arrive at that star for another 1,400 years.
- Crusty The Wanksock: Or maybe, stars have a center of gravity so dense that they pull the surrounding planets towards them until the planets get so close that they mold together to form a larger planet with an even greater gravitational density that pulls an even larger star towards that with the original star as the planet's core, and so on and so forth, thus being the reproduction process of planets, stars and solar systems or something... #ILLUMINATI
- Dino Di Lucido: I was joking, +Christopher Akerley. A Dyson Sphere occupies an entire solar radius, its diameter would be millions of miles wide & would immediately recognized as such as it would be literally impossible for a planet to be that large.
- triplebackspace: I tend to think that if it is really a mega structure, and designed to harness solar power a Dyson swarm would be most plausible. They require a lot less construction material especially if you consider most of its mass could be super thin solar sail like material. Still the technical skills required to do so is impressive, and just think if so , they were that far more advanced than us, 1500 years ago.
- El Webbo: +Frank Haber the only thing that is fact here, is that either way it will be a learning experience for science... because that "unspectacular explanation" will still be a NEW explanation, and used for future reference, and it might even help us develop new techniques to see stars, rather than just the changes in light.... because that's what science does... it learns.. and if it WERE an alien civilization we can still pick up radio signals that could already be arriving to us since we don't know how long that thing has been there... which has the potential of containing information that could help us in our future... like maybe a completely new type of coding, a new type of information sequencing, ANYTHING,... once again, the only fact here, is that whatever that is, it is definitely NOT useless...
- - J -: Yes Yes please be aliens :)
- Manosh Marace: Damn I love this stuff
- Dysputant: Returned to crappy videos after 10 years... people still using same music... fuck -.- and nibiru still getting closer XD ps: but this star is interesting nevertheless.
- sockington1: without even watching tis dogshite, I would say no of course
- Sunny Panwar: +CMDR Dantae They cant detect we are watching them.. Not until we shine laser or send signals there..
- playingdablues: No.
- Savage Truth: +fawkesianaut 23 +philthy122 My apologies
- Gordon Woodroffe: +Mr. Robot what's English lol
- Gyva02: So it could be a very large asteroid that got sucked into orbit. Asteroid's are not sphere shaped they can be all sorts of shapes. And all this is taken with a grain of salt because of the lying nature of NASA, you can't believe a single word they say...
- eventsby Thor: shut up. all of you just watch because you don't have ideas about everything about this
Has Kepler Discovered an Alien Megastructure Orbiting a Strange Star | |
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