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- Wattster47: man and wife on beach walk: (man)look at that honey. (wife) OMG! (man) that is the strangest thing i have ever seen. (wife)ooooohhh?! (man) well even though there is no rush and nobody around i better take one crappy photo of the box with my dog.(wife) what is it? (man) nothing to see here honey, move along. (wife)la la la la la.
- Thomas Mclean: I wonder if they are solid or hollow. Fuck it, smash it open and have a look.
- steven perry: I might not be the smartest person, but if they are to heavy to move , then they definitely did not wash up there ?
- Lisa Colbert: Franken Peter hi Peter, are you telling an honest story? I'm very curious. Thanks.
- FairAtBest: fail
- Escondido California: Open it.
- blackpowderdk: shitty photos. It is metal boxes on a beach. Not exatly fast moving objects. it should be possible to take some good pictures.
- Scare Crow: I was thrown in jail for opening one of these. There was an undercover agent on the beach the entire time. He was pretty much next to us with his dog. I was trying to open it and the guy paid no attention. But as soon as i returned with a electric saw and started breaking through the metal he came right over with another man. I was arrested for drunk in public(havent drank in 12 years) and disorderly conduct for bringing a powertool on the beach. They let me go the morning and said "You know what you did. You cant do that here. GO home and i never want to see you on our beaches again."
- NothingButLove6: @Achdus5772 Dude, research it. This is a real story, this is actually happening. Now, granted they're probably not boxes because people HAVE tried to open them and they seem like just big hunks of metal. The weird thing is they have no barnacles or any sign of having been at sea very long.
- ibob shereez: thank you for this video.
- Weston Grimmly: @Achdus5772 Seriously! If I find one, I'm in northern caifornia, I'll break one open and tell y'all wats inside!
- Milo Graamans, pianist: This is definitely a hoax. I used to live by Stonefield Beach. Several people who still live there have told me that those boxes were never sighted by anyone local. The article on Huliq interviews "locals" whom none of us have ever heard the names of. This being a rural area, most people know each other. Crazy how one person makes a joke and then everyone shares it as though it's news...and people believe it. Quite hilarious.
- VERNUCHI688: Open your mind people, the truth will reveal itself very soon,
- bobbygnosis: Boxes wash ashore from the Fukushima thing. This is more depressing than anything else.
- tdebat: HOAX.....................
- milkybar06: @RSAgility videos could be faked. Plenty of fake stuff on you tube.
- Wade Marley: Who else is on a Paranormal video streak??
- Escondido California: Under linings for concrete docks.
- geargrinder387: cocaine
- Thomas Mclean: love your name man, made me laugh. thanks
- bardolomeus: If this is real then why don't you shoot a video but only paste photos...
- Lowcountry: Franken Peter wtf is an electric saw?
- BuildBench: XD
- Michelle Kazarian: Everybody listen why was there no earthquake after the big one in La beacuse of aliens there helping us by putting those metal boxes to help prevent bad earthquakes and they would want something from us for them helping us .heres A story, Yesterday I saw these balloons in the sky that where changing into different forms and people said that there just being pushed by the wing but the wind only goes one way and those balloons where going in many many ways and after 30 min they started lighting up. So that's my story. And there where about 15 of them
- BUDDY L: i always end up doing that!!!
- uncle Rufus T: lol
- Jacob Benko: Our enemies hide in metal boxes!
- Angelina Thompson: funny how not one person open any of these boxes, if they had they woulda found E.R. rations inside.
- Alfred Mayer: They are empty. Fiberglass dock floats from 2011 tsunami.
- Weston Grimmly: @RSAgility Yep, same here!
- Alfred Mayer: check for mysterious-metal-boxes-are-not
- rmsolympic1: @bardolomeus Agreed. Video tape the boxes doing their purported thing.
- Achdus5774: Do you really want to believe a "strange" metal boxed washed up on a beach among many other boxes in other places around the world and no-one opened EVEN ONE OF THEM? Pathetic. Just pathetic. Is this how you can stir your reason to live? By making up ridiculous stories that don't even make sense? The first thing a human would do is OPEN THE BOX!!
- jusrayne: So they made false accusations saying you were drunk in public btw did you ever find out what the boxes were
- Anderson Rodrigues: Fake! Falso!
- onlyonewhyphy: Everyone claims these are more than metal boxes as they make sound.... yet not one person has a recording of it. And the idea that these boxes are stuck is cute as fuck. We're humans. We can literally move mountains out of our way, if we want.
- Milo Graamans, pianist: @ducksbumhole No video because they never were there. I've heard first-hand from locals. The locals interviewed in the article are actually made-up names...the first article was BS, and the other articles relied on the BS one to create their articles without any outside research.
- Scare Crow: I live in Oregon and tried opening one up. There are about 500lbs if i had to guess.
- jusrayne: +Lowcountry a saw that's electric not manual
- Theresa Oda: After the Tsunami in Japan, They saw a UFO, And This. Wonder if the metal is Copper?? They say it is not from this earth? So Maybe not Copper..Maybe both have something to do with Contaminating their Materials and Trash Compacted it and put them here in Oregon On the Coast!
- karen mcgrouther: no good telling us half the story. Boxes ermmm yes we get that bit, but wheres the bit that tells us what is inside. lol Stupid video.
- BuildBench: the guy who put the box there is probably laughing so hard at these videos.
- Escondido California: You sniffed that one out fast. o.O
- Ashley Majkic: Excellent find, what a strange and amazing story. What are these boxes and what are they there for? the mind boggles are they there for UFOs or us? I wonder if anyone as tried to open one, we will never know so many secrets. Thanks for sharing. Australia
UFO sightings at Stonefield Beach reveal strange boxes up and down coast. | |
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Science & Technology | Upload TimePublished on 9 Feb 2012 |
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